Bitcoin price | Current Bitcoin Price Chart

  • bitcoin
    Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Live Price
  • 24h %
  • Market Cap
    $193.97 B
  • Volume
    $19.71 B
  • Available Supply
    18.50 M BTC
  • Rank

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The Bitcoin Price chart above provides you with the latest and most accurate bitcoin price using live data pulled from the worlds leading exchanges. This enables us to show real-time stats and live market fluctuations. You can use the chart above to plot strategies and predict the bitcoin price, then take a screenshot of your graph and save it to your computer or publish it on Tradingview. We have listed as much of the information as we can from live changes, volume, to bitcoin price in Dollars (USD), Great British Pounds (GBP) and Euros (EUR).

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency which uses peer to peer technology without the need for a central bank or authority to control it. Using modern-day cryptography, Bitcoins are sent from one user to another on the bitcoin network directly, without the need for a, e.g. bank. Network nodes then verify these transactions and they are recorded on to a digital distributed ledge called a blockchain.

History of Bitcoin

Bitcoin was invented by an unknown person(s) going by the name Satoshi Nakamoto. The domain name for the site '' was registered in August 2008 and in November of the same year a white paper was released called “ Bitcoin: A peer to peer Electronic Cash System”. Nakamoto then proceeds to code the software and it was released as open source code in January 2009.

Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision was to create an innovative payment network and a new kind of digital money. One which would challenge the banking system and not need any one person to control.

Fast forward to 2018 and we now have a digital currency which has helped create a multibillion-dollar industry and sees 24-hour trading volume on average of around $15 billion. While these figures sound high, bear in mind that currently, only just over 1.5% of the world population use cryptocurrency. At its highest bitcoin was $19,535 a coin which was on December 17th 2007. With bitcoin trading at around $6300 a coin at the time of writing we have a long way to go to get back to the all-time high, but with new users every day and investors gain to move with the times we can accept bitcoin to surpass the previous high and look to bring about a new age of electronic money.

How Does Bitcoin Work?

You can get started using Bitcoin without knowing the technical details. First of all, you need to download the Bitcoin Wallet app on your mobile or desktop, this will then create your Bitcoin address (you will be able to create more as and when you need to), and you will use this to pay your friends or vice versa. Every transaction is recorded in the blockchain, which is a public list.

There are a few ways that people can get bitcoin;

• Use real money to buy Bitcoin.
• Sell things in exchange for Bitcoin.
• Use your computer to create a Bitcoin.

Is Bitcoin secure?

It has been made very difficult for Bitcoins to be copied, for people to use fake ones and for you to be able to use Bitcoins that you do not own, this is because every transaction is recorded publicly. So far Bitcoin is the most successful cryptocurrency, but it is important to follow the proper security measures to protect your funds, as you are the one who has the power over your money.

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